A model is a class that defines the properties and behavior of the data that you present to the user. Anything that the user expects to see if they leave your app and come back later (or if they refresh the page) should be represented by a model.
When you want a new model for your application you need to create a new file
under the models folder and extend from Model
. This is more conveniently
done by using one of Ember CLI's generator commands. For instance, let's create
a person
ember generate model person
This will generate the following file:
import Model from '@ember-data/model';
export default class PersonModel extends Model {
After you have defined a model class, you can start finding and working with records of that type.

Defining Attributes
The person
model we generated earlier didn't have any attributes. Let's
add first and last name, as well as the birthday, using attr
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class PersonModel extends Model {
@attr title;
@attr name;
@attr birthday;
Attributes are used when turning the JSON payload returned from your server into a record, and when serializing a record to save back to the server after it has been modified.
You can use attributes like any other property, including from within getter functions.
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class PersonModel extends Model {
@attr title;
@attr name;
get fullName() {
return `${this.title} ${this.name}`;
You may find the type of an attribute returned by the server does not
match the type you would like to use in your JavaScript code. Ember
Data allows you to define simple serialization and deserialization
methods for attribute types called transforms. You can specify that
you would like a transform to run for an attribute by providing the
transform name as the first argument to the attr
method. EmberData
supports attribute types of string
, number
, boolean
, and date
which coerce the value to the JavaScript type that matches its name.
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class PersonModel extends Model {
@attr('string') name;
@attr('number') age;
@attr('boolean') admin;
@attr('date') birthday;
The date
transform will transform an
ISO 8601 string to a JavaScript
date object.
The boolean
transform can handle values other than true
. The strings "true"
or "t"
in any casing, "1"
, and the number
will all coerce to true
, and false
Transforms are not required. If you do not specify a transform name EmberData will do no additional processing of the value.
Custom Transforms
You can also create custom transforms with Ember CLI's transform
ember generate transform dollars
Here is a simple transform that converts values between cents and US dollars.
import Transform from '@ember-data/serializer/transform';
export default class DollarsTransform extends Transform {
deserialize(serialized) {
return serialized / 100; // returns dollars
serialize(deserialized) {
return deserialized * 100; // returns cents
A transform has two functions: serialize
and deserialize
. Deserialization
converts a value to a format that the client expects. Serialization does the
reverse and converts a value to the format expected by the persistence layer.
You would use the custom dollars
transform like this:
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class ProductModel extends Model {
@attr('dollars') spent;
can also take a hash of options as a second parameter. At the moment
the only option available is defaultValue
, which can use a value or a function
to set the default value of the attribute if one is not supplied.
In the following example we define that verified
has a default value of
and createdAt
defaults to the current date at the time of the model's
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class UserModel extends Model {
@attr('string') username;
@attr('string') email;
@attr('boolean', { defaultValue: false }) verified;
@attr('date', {
defaultValue() { return new Date(); }
}) createdAt;
Read-only Attributes
When the API returns a deeply nested, read-only object or array,
there is no need to create multiple models with attr('hasMany')
or attr('belongsTo')
relationships. This could result in a potentially large amount of unnecessary
code. You can access these objects in the template without transforming them. This can be
done by using @attr
without specifying a transform:
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class PlaceModel extends Model {
@attr location; // a read-only object
@attr tags; // a read-only array