Acceptance tests are generally used to test important workflows within your application. They emulate user interaction and confirm expected results.
Ember CLI comes with acceptance test support out of the box. For creating your
first test, you just need to run ember generate acceptance-test <name>
. In
our case, ember generate acceptance-test user-can-login-via-form
. Ember CLI will
create a new test file under tests/acceptance/
After a few imports, Ember CLI adds two hooks to the module definition. In the beforeEach, a new Ember application is created and put in testing mode. This way, the readiness of the application is deferred until your tests are ready to run. The helper also sets the router's location to 'none' so that the window's location will not be modified. After each test run, the application is destroyed to assure your tests are run in isolation.
var application;
module('Acceptance: UserCanLoginViaForm', {
beforeEach: function() {
application = startApp();
afterEach: function() {, 'destroy');
Ember CLI also generates a sample test. In this case, we visit
and assert
we got there without any problem.
test('visiting /user-can-login-via-form', function(assert) {
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(currentPath(), 'user-can-login-via-form');